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The Flints, Monks Eleigh, Suffolk IP7 7JG
Tel: 01449 741551

Gloriosa superba ‘Rothschildiana’

Autumn Flowering Bulbs
Flame Lily
Swept back flowers of 6 bright red petals with a yellow base and edge.

Height to 80” (200cm)
Flowers June to October
Bulb Size 15/20
Tender For indoors or a very sheltered spot
Best planted 3 to a pot so they can be self-supporting. Or will scramble through supporting structure grasping tightly with tendrils at the end of the leaves

Hymenocallis festalis ‘Zwanenberg'

Autumn Flowering Bulbs
Peruvian Lily
Scented. Large white cups surrounded by six long, curled white petals

Height to 24" (60 cm)
Flowers May/July
Bulb Size 20/+
Tender for pot cultivation

Hymenocallis ‘Sulphur Queen’

Autumn Flowering Bulbs
Very large light-yellow cup with green ribs surrounded by long, curled white petals

Height to 24" (60 cm)
Flowers May/July
Bulb Size 16/+
Tender for pot cultivation

Trillium cuneatum

Autumn Flowering Bulbs
Wake Robin or ‘Sweet Betsy’
A robust plant with beautiful large marbled leaves, pale fawn to maroon musk scented flowers on stiff erect stems

 April May
Height: to 12in (30cm)

Trillium erectum

Autumn Flowering Bulbs
Birth Root or Red Trillium. RHS A.G.M.
A very easy species with generally red purple flowers and deep green leaves.

 April May
Height: to 14in (35cm)

Trillium flexipes

Autumn Flowering Bulbs
Nodding or Bent Wake Robin
Large white outward facing flowers with reflexed petals held above plain leaves of deep green.

 April May 
Height: to 18” (45cm)
Alkaline soil with plenty of humus and good drainage. Keep moist

Trillium govanianum

Autumn Flowering Bulbs
Syn Trillidium govanianum
SE Asian Trillium relative. Stocky plant good for a pot Dark purple-red stems carry plain green leaves below a small, powerfully deflexed, six ‘petalled’ starry flower of deep- red and green.

 April May 
Height: 6” (15cm)
Position: Shady spot and acid soil with plenty of humus and good drainage. Keep moist

Trillium grandiflorum

Autumn Flowering Bulbs
RHS AGM American Wake Robin or White Trillium.
The most widely grown species producing Vigorous, clump forming stunning large 3-petalled white flowers on stems with large ovate deep green leaves. The petal tips may become slightly pink tinged with age.

Height: to 12in (30cm)

Trillium grandiflorum Flore pleno

Autumn Flowering Bulbs
American Double Wake Robin or White Trillium
Double flowered form with large white flowers: on stems with large ovate deep green leaves. The petal tips may become slightly pink tinged with age.

Height: to 12in (30cm)

Trillium luteum

Autumn Flowering Bulbs
RHS AGM Yellow Wood Trllium
Large upright 3-petalled bright lemon-yellow scented flowers above large marbled green leaves

 April to May
Height: to 10in (25cm)

Trillium recurvatum

Autumn Flowering Bulbs
Prairie Trillium or Bloody Butcher
Large upright 3-petalled dark maroon scented flowers above large marbled green leaves

 April May
Height: to 14in (35cm)

Trillium sessile

Autumn Flowering Bulbs
A robust smaller trillium, emerging from the soil with chocolate, green and mint mottled leaves. The flowers are variable in colour in maroon red, browns and a bright green.

Flowering: April May
Height: to 14in (35cm)

Trillium vaseyi

Autumn Flowering Bulbs
Sweet Wake Robin ‘Sweet Beth’
Large (to 4in) maroon flower on stalk hanging down under the large (to 8in) leaves

Height: to 18in (45cm)