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The Flints, Monks Eleigh, Suffolk IP7 7JG
Tel: 01449 741551


Oriental lily
Bright white, slightly recurved petals with russet-red speckles, and gold-yellow rays banding each petal’s centre.

Flowers August
Height to 60” (150cm)
Bulb size 22/24 cm
Plant 6-8” deep in hole with added sand for drainage Requires an acid soil or ericaceous compost


RHS AGM The 'Madonna Lily' 
The tall stem carries heavily scented pure white trumpet flowers with yellow anthers.
It carries its basal rosette of foliage over winter & becomes dormant for only a short period in summer after flowering

Height to 48" (120 cm) 
Flowering June/July
Bulb Size 20/+ cm
Plant in a sunny site with lime rich soil, 6-8” deep with added sand for drainage.

Black Beauty

The original Oriental Trumpet hybrid
A cross from Lilium speciosum rubrum and Lilium henryi. Lightly scented downward facing black-red tightly recurved turks cap flowers

Flowers July/August
Height to 80" (200 cm)
Bulb Size 20/22

Cardiocrinum giganteum

Giant Himalayan Lily
Cardiocrinum is monocarpic (it dies after flowering), leaving offsets that, in fertile conditions, can grow on to flowering size after a few years
When flowering produces a thick stem that rises to 3m or higher with up to 20 huge white, striped maroon strongly fragrant trumpet flowers

Height to 120" (300 cm)
Flowers July / August
Bulb Size: Flowering size - potted and rooted bulb in plastic film pot for rapid impact
Hardy. Plant bulb with nose level to surface in rich damp high humus soil in semi-shade


Autumn Flowering Bulbs
RHS AGM Species lily
Soft orange spotted black

Flowers June/August
Height to 60” (150cm)
Bulb size 20/+
Requires very good drainage, particularly in winter

Lady Alice

L henryi hybrid
Many white turks cap flowers with an orange spotted centre and green eye per stem.  .

Height to 48" (120 cm)
Flowers July/August
Bulb Size 18/20
Plant in full sun, 6-8” deep in hole with added sand for drainage

lancifolium Splendens

Species Asiatic lily
syn tigrinum splendens ‘Tiger lily’
Hanging, bright orange-red reflexed flowers with numerous brown to black spots.
Dark-brown bulbils are produced in the axis of the leaves

Flowers August/September
Height to 48” (120 cm)
Bulb size 20/22 cm


Species Asiatic lily
Pendant lemon-yellow recurved flowers spotted brown on dark stems

Flowers: July-September
Height: to 40" (100 cm)
Bulb Size: 20/22
Plant 6-8” deep in hole with added sand for drainage

Lotus ‘Elegance’

Double Oriental
Highly scented. Long flowering large flowers with gently ruffled pink and cream petals on strong upright stems. Great for pots.

Flowers July - August
Height to 36” (90cm)
Bulb size 22/24 cm
Requires an acid soil or ericaceous compost
Plant 6-8” deep in hole with added sand for drainage

Mr Pistache

Oriental/Trumpet hybrid ‘Tree Lily’ Lightly scented, white flowers with a green and golden yellow centre, each one of which is about 20 cm in diameter

Flowers August
Height to 72" (180 cm) when fed
Bulb Size 20/22
Plant in sun 6-8” deep in humus rich soil with added sand for drainage


Species lily
Large green-white heavily scented trumpet flowers with a dark maroon-purple throat
This species spreads by stolons and can appear upto 50 cm from where planted. In a pot it may appear from the drainage holes

Flowers June/August
Height  to 60” (150cm)
Bulb size flowering
Requires very good drainage, particularly in winter

Lilum regale

RHS AGM Trumpet lily
Large flowers of white, heavily flushed maroon on outside and strongly scented

Height to 72" (180 cm)
Flowers July/August
Bulb Size 22/24 
Plant in sun 6-8” deep in humus rich soil with added sand for drainage


Oriental/Trumpet hybrid ‘Tree Lily’
A profusion of lightly fragrant 6-inch-wide flowers in dark raspberry-red with a green-and-yellow throat and cream/white edging

Flowers July/ August
Height to 80" (200 cm) when fed
Bulb Size 22/24
Plant in sun 6-8” deep in humus rich soil with added sand for drainage

speciosum rubrum Uchida

Intensely fragrant pink-red and white-edged nodding star shaped flowers

Flowering: August-September
Height: to 48 in (120cm)
Bulb size: 18/20cm